Your Own Online Casino


The online gambling industry is set to rake in over $80+ billion by the year 2022. That is a staggering amount of money by any standards. You can start your own casino and have a piece of this pie. Aug 26, 2021 Every country has its own rules. USA: online gambling is illegal except for New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia; Canada: requirements vary: governments in Quebec, Columbia, and Ontario have created their casinos, while it's illegal to operate an online casino within Canada. Develop an advertising strategy to let people know about your own online casino. When you were writing the business plan in Step 1, you should have included a budget for advertising campaigns. Find advertising mediums that work within your budget, such as print advertising, television, radio and online advertising. Run your own crypto casino – optional extra services are available such as customization, creating new gamemodes, brand marketing, providing support agents and more. Learn About Our Softwares!Start up your own casino. CoCoBit software – the industry standard since 2014 is. Your own casino for free and forever. 40% from produced profits (casino profit is 3% from the amount of lost bets) possibility to withdraw money at any time and without limits! Effective hints and promo materials of all sorts to promote your online casino for free. Detailed statistics.

Financial Experts Forecast Online Gaming Revenues of $177 Billion by 2018!

WorldwideInternet use continues to increase and the demand for online gaming isthe driving force of one of most profitable business opportunities ofthe 21st century. Theonline gaming industry is growing now more than ever and has become amulti-billion dollar industry with the majority of it’s successoccurring over the past 10 years. With potential revenues predicted to increase 700% in the next 3 years,the time to stake your claim as an online gaming business owner is now.Contact us right now to get free information on how you can start your own online casino or poker gaming business.

Current opportunities to start a casinogaming business or offer online wagering with poker software that bringprofitable returns have never been better.
Open your own online casino

  • In 2010 online gaming business revenues totaled $24 billion from $800 million in 1998. By 2018 the respected analyst Andrew Burnett, forecasts for the online gaming industry revenues to increase more than 700% or $177 billion.
  • Researchreports from GBGC, the online gambling authority, states that Europe,Asia and South America, online gambling continue to enjoy rapid growthin popularity. The Asian market is fast becoming the dominant onlinegaming leader.
  • Currentlyvalued at more than $150 billion a year the online gambling market in Latin Americancountries such as Argentina, Brazil and Peru are the most active.Theonline gambling market continues to grow because of Italy’s decision tolegalize online gambling. Other members of the European Union move toregulate online casinos instead of restricting them.

Withonline casinos bringing in huge amounts of money every year, everyonewants to play and take their chances on hitting it big, but before anybusiness investor gets out their checkbook there are a few importantthings to consider before investing in online gaming businessopportunity.

There are 3 ways to start your own online casino

Design and implement all casino software for an online casino which could cost you millions of dollars.You will also need to obtain a gaming license to start and run youronline casino legally, which requires approval from most governments.However, you will have full control of your gambling website, and fullknowledge of the source code of your casino and poker software. Inaddition, no royalties are paid out to a software development company.

2) Average Way to Start Your Own Online Casino

Becomea Licensee of an Online Casino Software Provider. This is a far lessexpensive option to start your own online casino and the clientreceives all the casino software and sometimes even the equipmentnecessary. It is also the most popular option for both licensedland-based establishments as well as entrepreneurs. Costs range from$30,000 to $350,000. The average licensing fees are around $150,000(this usually includes marketing costs). In most cases a royalty ispaid to the casino software provider as a percentage of the monthly'take' or 'drop' (gross profit). Usually the casino software providerhas payment processing (merchant account providers) already set up fora fully turnkey operation.

3) Most Affordable Way to Start Your Own Online Casino

Become a Sub licenseeof an existing Licensee. This is the least expensive option to startyour own online casino. Costs range from $15,000 to $60,000. The sublicensee is responsible for all the marketing and receives a smallerpercentage than a full licensee (2), because royalties paid to thelicensee are much higher.

Anonline casino can be a very profitable business to run, but in order todo so you have to build up a good reputation that will help generate aloyal client base. Not only that but there is the legal aspects thathave to be dealt with if you want to run your business the right way.If you do things properly though, you can enjoy a very successfulbusiness that will provide you with great financial success. Here aresome things that you need to consider when you want to start onlinecasino of your own.

After you’ve completed the steps to start your own online casino, allthat’s left is to successfully manage it and provide the best possiblegaming experience for your players. This will keep them happywith the software that you provide, and will also keep you happybecause they will keep coming back. As your online gaming businessgrows you will continue to reap the rewards from running a successfulonline casino, and will enjoy financial success for many years to come.

Your Own Online CasinoYour Own Online Casino

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Contact us right nowto receive detailed information on available turnkey online casino,multiplayer poker and sports book gaming solutions and our accountexecutive will contact you within 24 hours to discuss your options. Welook forward to hearing from you!

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Start Your Own Online Casino

Succeeding at casino affiliate program marketing often involves going against the grain to implement strategies rarely utilized by other affiliates. Let’s face it, this is a dog-eat-dog industry that requires one to be creative in their online casino promotion efforts.
Leave the competition behind through these little known secrets to making money with casinos on line:
Start Your Own Online Casino
The affiliate game got you feeling crowded out? No worries, just start your own online casino. While it might seem like a crazy idea, starting your own online casino is a good way to leave behind the increasingly-competitive online casino promotion side while still making money from the industry.
There’s a great Tim Ferriss quote that is highly applicable here – “There is just less competition for bigger goals.”
How many affiliates really view starting their own online casino as an option that is on the table for them? Virtually none. It’s a big goal but can you leave the marketing side to join the operator side? Get to know how online casinos make money and the idea can become more realistic.
Become an Affiliate Manager
If you’re a seasoned affiliate looking to move up in this industry, one avenue at your disposal is to join the ranks of those running their own casino affiliate program. This can be a logical career step for many “super affiliates” who are finding it more challenging to expand their current operation.
Running your affiliate program allows you to use your experience in order to team with operators and handle their affiliate management for them. A wide number of online casino operators choose to outsource the role of their affiliate management program to a separate business. Your existing contacts are a great place to start when looking for online casino operators who prefer to leave marketing out of their in-house operation.
Launch Your Own Email Marketing Operation
Are you an affiliate who has mastered the craft of email marketing? If so, this is a valuable talent that can be used to generate business.
Consider the example of Sharon Engel from Wilma Online who is using her experience in email marketing to help affiliates optimize this aspect of their business. What’s in it for Wilma Online? Only fifty percent of revenues made from the email marketing enhancements they provide to affiliates by taking over these duties.
A similar business model could be applied to helping affiliates optimize their social media presence by running it for them. If there is an aspect of affiliate marketing you are simply an expert at, why not solicit other affiliates less-gifted in this area to hand over part of their business to you?
Change the Whole Game
Many new affiliates have one great advantage over seasoned veterans: no preconceived notions of what is possible in this industry. Can you reinvent the casino marketing game similar to how Mark Zuckerberg reinvented how we stay in touch with friends or how Steve Jobs changed the meaning of a mobile phone?
You may never acquire as much wealth as those two through the online casino promotion business, but their successes are an inspiration for the possibility that exists to be a game-changer.
Face Time
Since the lifestyle of casino affiliates is one associated with remote working arrangements, the value of simply being in the same room as a business colleague is often overlooked. In fact, some affiliates are so used to doing all of their business through text-based web applications that they forget humans can actually, you know… look each other in the eye when doing business!
Experiment more with using video chat as a method for driving business in the online marketing industry. This is a simple-enough trick a few affiliates realize is crucial to success.